Tuesday, April 13

Lexie Lo, we try for another puppy ha ha ..

So im sure you all remember are first try at having a puppy.. not very successful since.. we basically don't have Sophie anymore... We honestly thought we WERE NOT DOG people... Cause this puppy wouldn't go the bathroom outside on the grass like normal dogs do, it was always right after you bring her in from the outside.. waiting forever for  her to go potty and she would just stand there and look at you like you were dumb... and she would poop.. in the front entryway.. EVERY time.. or would go right in front of the door...it seriously got old fast.. But it all started with the first night, this is everything we did WRONG!
  1.  Let the GREAT dane puppy on the couch.
  2. Let the GREAT dane puppy sleep with you, not only do they grow up to 220 pounds, you really dont have room for 2 people  that weight both more then 120 pounds, put a dog that will be twice that in the mix, and it sure doesnt help your sex life.. at all...
  3. Getting Sophie out of the kennel every time she cried.
  4. Giving her treats..ALL the time.."she was just so cute"
  5. getting lazy and letting her go on the Green area of  our deck, it was shorta like grass..
  6. and lastly being a push over.. i have sent it once and i will say it a again.. you need to be firm and strict when potty training with a dog.
so.. we put her on ksl and sold her with in a day of her being on there.. no a nice young man, thats not married doesnt have a girlfriend, and can cuddle with sophie all night long..

So how it came about with getting another dog..I'm not going to lie i LOVE puppies i think they all are so dang cute!!! I just want a dog that will be a puppy forever and ever.. but will be trained.. Ha
Knowing that wont ever happen i still left i wanted a great dane, after everything that had happened with sophie, i went on line and found Lexie and i pretty much fell in love with this puppy.. 
So we got her  7 days before my birthday as my birthday present!! She was 25 pounds and born on August 23 2009.

She is a blue meral and fawn mixed with a European great dane.. From the day we picked her up she has been the most lazy dog have known, She totally has attitude with me, she loves neal !! I think she knows we are having a hard time and that kinda gets to her as well, she loves getting in the bath tub, and loves running out the front door when im not looking, and running around like she has never ran with out a lease before...

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