Wednesday, January 21

One Month!

So its Been a Month since Neal and I have been married, and a Year since we started to date.
I honestly cant believe we made it thou the wedding!! We were truly grateful to be blessed with Neal's Parents, brothers and Sisters
i could have never made it with out his mom Tonya and his Sister Amanda!
So Neal and I have talked, and have decide that we would love some new things to foucs on

in our marriage, to make it the happiest and most joyful time in our life
and things we would love to work towards, In the
New Year

1. Work on getting Sealed in the temple
2. Getting me thou School, and Neal done with his pluming school and moving
on to something bigger and better in my career, and his career
3. Building our relationship strong as husband and wife
4. Save Save Save and Save some more... So we can get what we want and live comfortably, and give to our future kids things they want to do.
5. Working out, cause lets face it, we are LAZY!
6. this should really be number #2 but its 6, we are working on being each others best friend, and loving each other mor and more every day! cause no one likes to fight, and to get upset.
We Also Have decide to take things that we have sceen from my parents and try and work towards what they have and apply it to our relationship... From My parents
their Success and power and strenght of the love for each other that they have.
From his parents, the power of family and the power of the church and the strenght they in there house and the things they brought neal up with. Neal has had his falls but you know with out that he wouldn't
be as strong as he is today, and have the passion that he does now, I see allot of his parents in him, and that makes me love him that much more every single day, and makes it so
cant wait to go throu the bumps in life, with him.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Way cute blog - you should update it!